

Our business processes and products comply with important quality standards – regardless of whether they are required to or not. This is documented by the various certificates that we have obtained. Certificates show that a company and/or product meets the standards of the relevant assessment guideline. 

ISO 14001

ISO standards are international standards used for a wide range of production processes and products. ISO 14001 is a standard that specifies requirements for a good environmental management system. FALK is required to demonstrate that it is working systematically to reduce its environmental impact so that sandwich panels and profiled sheets are produced in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

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ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard in the field of quality management and provides guidelines for a good quality management system. ISO 9001 helps FALK as an organisation to control and improve its business processes. The abbreviation ISO is derived from the name of the organisation that issues standards in various countries all over the world, the International Standardization Organization.

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Rene Warring


BES 6001

This certification method was developed by the BRE (Building Research Establishment). The BRE is the centre for building science in the United Kingdom. This method was developed for suppliers of building materials to identify the origin of materials. FALK was awarded the score ‘Very Good’, which means that it is possible to achieve the maximum number of points in the ‘substantiated origin of materials’ category of the MAT 5 part of BREEAM-NL New Construction and Renovation.

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Allgemeine bauaufsichliche Zulassung

This approval is a mandatory technical inspection of building products for use in construction projects in Germany. These inspections are carried out by DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik).

The following FALK products have been granted this technical approval: FALK WB insulated wall panel, FALK GL roof panel, FALK TR roof panel and FALK TR3+ roof panel.

FM Approved

FM Global is a US-based insurance company that is strongly committed to preventing damage. Products used in FM-insured properties must meet the highest quality standards. These quality standards are set and tested by FM Approvals, the division of FM Global responsible for product certification. 

Paneltype FM Standard Details
FALK 1000 TR PD, FALK 1100 TR3+ PD, FALK 1140 KV PD, FALK 1000 TR EKO, FALK 1100 TR3+ EKO, FALK 1000 GL EKO FM 4880, 4881, 4471 Class 1, Inert faced, Combustible Core, Interior Wall and Ceiling Panel, No height restriction, Class 1 Roof Panel.
FALK 1140 KV, FALK 1060 WB, FALK 1000 WB+ FM 4880, 4881, 4882 Class 1, Inert faced, Cumbustible Core, Interior Wall and Ceiling Panel, No height restriction, Exterior wall, Smoke Sensitive Occupancy - Cleanroom.
FALK 1000 TR, FALK 1100 TR3+, FALK 1000 GL FM 4880, 4881, 4471 Class 1, Inert faced, Combustible Core, Interior Wall and Ceiling Panel, No height restriction, Exterior Wall, Class 1 Roof Panel.

Please note: When ordering these products from us, don’t forget to specify that they must be made in accordance with FM Global guidelines.

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SHR has tested the airtightness of FALK sandwich panels. SHR is a testing and knowledge partner for building and construction-related products. The results of this test are published in an informative overview.

View the airtightness of the FALK Panels

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